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Thursday, 25 February 2010

... and in the last remaining light...

So, yesterday I posted that I had set up a rather impromptu photo studio in my lounge. (The post itself was partially an experiment in doing mobile blog updates)

The reason being was to give myself some practice with the lighting equipment that i'd only recently acquired in preperation for this coming sunday where I will be photographing the local band Constallation, to whom i have posted about previously.

In the meantime however here are some examples from my practice photoshoot using the only models i had to hand, Belle(the kitten), Kate(my wonderful Fiance) and my scruffy self.
The objective of this exercise was for me to see how detailed I could get the images. I wasn't expecting 100% perfect results as i've never used such lighting before and I only chucked a bedsheet over a curtain rail to serve as a background.

What i wanted to see from the photographs was detail, pores, scratches, scars, the colours of the eyes, every strand of hair, etc. I was quite happy with the results.

Here are some examples, with minimal tweaking.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

New studio lights!

In preparation for the Constallation shoot this weekend I've setup an impromptu studio in my lounge.

I spent several hours tweaking flash settings, strobes, adjusting umbrellas and soft boxes, fiddling with shutter speeds and apertures whilst Belle and Naomi (our kittens) dutifully leapt about and posed for me.

- Posted from my iPhone, photo also from iPhone.