Today I visited a location I was tipped off about a few weeks ago and have been itching to visit on a clear night ever since.
Panstarrs managed to distract me significantly most recently.
So when I saw a not-so windy, clear evening, forecast for this weekend and where the temperature wasn't going to be less than -4, I decided to brave the cold and head out!
Now, I did manage to scout the area a week previous, in daylight, as these trips have previously gone poorly when I haven't applied an appropriate level of preparation.
It's a little awkward to get too. The only logical place to park is on the other side of a curving section of road that is on a hill with a blind dip and no verge/pavement.
I'm basically walking on a country road where no driver will be able to spot me until it's too late. Couple that with the fact I intend to walk this section of road in the pitch black makes for a very worrying scenario...
I ran the stretch of road and on my second, night, trip I also waved glow sticks furiously over my head... In a cool way obviously.
This image is of the gates on the north side facing south.
Lulworth Castle is just about visible through the arch on the ride-hand side of the main gate.
So if you haven't guessed already this structure is that of a now unused, gate house, at the rear of the property of Lulworth Castle grounds.
There are public footpaths that run past it which, as I understand it, are not always open but on this occasion they were.
It's a lovely structure and fairly unknown.
This is of the gates from the south side facing north.
The above two images are of inside the two buildings on either side of the gates. The windows were smashed in when I arrived, I didn't enter the buildings my self, I just poked my camera in and the above is what I got.
This was my first shot of the evening and how the gates looked as I first arrived.
That's Lulworth Castle brightly lit in the background. Sadly a bit too brightly lit for me to get in the same exposure. In retrospect I should have tried again with different settings and then composited a single image out of a couple but maybe next time.
The first thing I did was wander around the south side of the gate so I could see if Panstarrs was still visible and whether I could get it in frame above the gates.
That's why the shot is wonky but, right above the lion on the right hand side, the comet can be seen.
It's a little dim even in this image
So, recompose and here we are. Sadly the light pollution to the north drowns out some of the details but I like the image. Aimed a bit higher to remove some of the needless black space beneath the gate houses and took a timelapse sequence.
Just for fun,I grabbed a shot with me in frame under the comet. :)
And some star-trail stacks from the timelapses above:
The lightng provided on the gates was provided by the headlights of the guest leaving whatever event was occurring at Lulworth Castle that night.