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Monday, 17 February 2014

Uk floods in Dorset during the Great Storms of 2014...

So, the Uk was recently hit by big ol' storms. It's done millions in damage, flooded a lot of homes, blown over lots of trees, there's been snow, hail, thunder, lightning, record wind-strengths and massive waves battering the coast, causing land-slips and trashing coastal structures.

Down south however we fared quite well, comparatively, half my shed is gone but otherwise, not too bad. We missing out on some of the worse weather up North AND some of the more severe coastal batterings that the far South East suffered.

I decided I was tired of not taking any photographs for such a long time and decided, as the weather had lulled for one evening I'd nip out and try to get some star shots above some flooded plains.
My first attempt was on a bridge.
See the leading image above. The river here usual leads up from the left corner, the line of grass shows where the bank would normally be. All the water to the right is usually fields.
I took these from a bridge on a main road.
I wasn't too pleased with the location and available angles so I moved on.

This is a spot in a place called Fordingbridge that i'd been told about. To be honest there is a lot of potential for this flooded playground but. sadly, I don't own boots at the moment so couldn't do any wading to get closer to the structures.
The above shot was the closest I could get... so I moved on...

.. to Salisbury.
This is the first shot I took of at Salisbury. A path through the park on the other side of a foot bridge.
The river now runs over the path itself.

Naturally I tried to get some shots of Salisbury's famous Cathedral itself, ideally reflected in the flood-water but again the availability of angles was limited by my inappropriate foot-wear.

The full moon didn't help either as it sat right above the Cathedral so tended to over-power it reflections wise.

I found a really conveniently positioned bridge that I could almost line up with the cathedral and had a play

Next up, I tried to take advantage of some of the features of the park itself. I wanted to do way more but again, limited by my foot-wear. I did come away with pretty wet feet regardless as I did try to reach some spots regardless.

On my way home from Salisbury I decided to drop by the Avon Causeway. The Causeway was closed due to the flooding though I didn't see anywhere that it ran over the road myself.
However, the fact that it was closed meant that I was the only person on it for the evening which meant I could take shots in the middle of the road that would otherwise be impossible... or significantly more risky at any rate.
The local light pollution actually added some interesting colours to the nights sky and made for some photographs I'm rather happy with.

The causeway provided the great advantage of situating me in the middle of the floods whilst at the same time not requiring boots and waders to avoid getting wet. Also, it gives me some nice straight leading-lines to compose the shots with. :)