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Thursday, 3 February 2011

Down by the river...

This afternoon I went for a quick trip down to the river Stour near where I live. One side of the river is a lot more accessable than the other so I went to the quieter side, it's late winter at the moment so whilst the sun wasn't setting, as such, it was pretty low in the sky, dragging out shadows and giving some nice orangey tones to the scenery depending on whether a cloud slipped in the way or not.

It wasn't a terribly warm day and it was a little windy. All the plants were mostly dead and withered but the sky was fairly dramatic, the river was partly flooded and there was great textures, shapes and colours to try and photograph. I also wanted to make sure i captured a bit of winter before spring starts and I try my hand at getting blossom and all those springtime things which I usually don't get round to.

I spotted this guy through a gap in a hedge and thought he looked quite cool... that seemed justification enough to photograph him to be honest...

A few of these plants were growing along the river banks, I think it's called a Teasel. I liked the texture of the spikes and the cool spirals that twist out like  tendrils at the base. It's always interesting to see such shapes existing in nature I think so I like to try and capture them if I can when I do spot them.

A little bit of Autumn waited around for me and it's a fairly firey display.

On my way back I spotted some old junk shards of glass that had been carefully placed on a wooden post. I'm not sure what the reasoning behind it was, maybe the person who put it on the post thought that someone might come back for it. Either way I liked the way the light shone through it as the sun was pretty low in the sky at this point.

Some early signs of summer greenery showing it's head as the weather slowly begins to warm up and the sun gradually lingers longer throughout the day.

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